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Sweet Justice: A Game of Just Distributions

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  • Tabletop RPG
  • doi:
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Most of us believe that we have a good understanding of what makes a particular matter just or fair. We may find that an equal distribution of a certain good is just, or that a distribution should first and foremost prioritize those who are worst-off, or that distributions should respect property rights even if this undermines those who are in need. We may believe that some people deserve more than others because they are productive, creative, and ambitious. We may also believe that some people who are living in misery do not deserve the bad luck they have been handed.

The problem with justice is that we may believe all of the above without realizing that most of the claims stand in stark contrast to each other. Sweet Justice is a role-playing game designed for four players, offering an interactive platform for you to explore your intuitions about justice. It challenges you to make choices under pressure and witness the effects of your decisions. It is intended to be an engaging and fun learning experience about one of the most difficult questions in political philosophy – what makes a distribution just?

is a post-doctoral research fellow in practical philosophy at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Tilburg University (Netherlands). He specializes in political philosophy, more specifically questions about distributive justice and fairness. He received his PhD in practical philosophy in 2021 and is currently working on a research project titled “What do we deserve in a meritocracy?”.