The World Is Not Done Yet. Part Two.



(Nascent Multilogue entry)



I wrote this with women in mind, thinking it would be best for us to be prepared when asking men to come along in this shift in our gendered way of understanding one another; prepared not only to find the way in the filling/knitting out of human definition (from our previous woman state of voided-ness) but also to be on the watch for some not necessarily anticipated shifts within ourselves. If the men do take us up on deep gender realignments.

I do mean to put the responsibility on women, with and without the willing help of men, to keep in motion the rethinking, re naming, re being - and to keep warning ourselves that it won’t be easy, nor without some brokenheartedness. But then, we have that already.

We,who have fought for scraps set to stitching a whole cloth, to slipping out from under this being defined against, this voided womanhood,All becoming through relation.

we,in the float who treasure bonds even as they dissolve,and still hold difference dear.we ask,

what’s to gain but abundance from a broadening chance to contribute?All else an extinquishing. All else energetic larceny.



“(Rilke) asks whether, since women have done the work of ‘loving’ for centuries, it might not be time for men to take on their share of this work. ‘We have been spoiled by easy enjoyment like all dilettanti and stand in the odor of mastery. But what if we were to despise our successes, what if we were to start from the very outset to learn the work of love, which has always been done for us? What if we were to go ahead and become beginners, now that much is changing?’”



(Nascent Multilogue entry)



I’m aware this decoupling from the oldstories is a most difficult & dangerous crossing as the path here leads into/through the not yet known. And heaven knows, we humans love the certainty of well-signed, trodden paths.

I am aware of, and also have some worry over the sense of loss many of us feel, particularly the loss felt around male identity - as “solids” once stood upon or defined against are dissolving. I know we are not often at our best when uncertain about who we are.

But then, that's what's ahead of us now. Isn't it? Learning to stand on fluid ground. And as I say, that fluidness is understood as a welcome opportunity by many of us.

This Womanchange underway, it’s forcing change in men. Makes for an uneasy MaleSelf.

So much of their Being seeded in not being woman;That shift in you triggers absence in him.

in not being, at least, this defiled & conquered Other. Not us, the WeVoid.The ground falls out from beneath his feet.

But, this framed state of being is learned.This framed state not encoded in us.



“I had multiple false starts because there was so much I resisted: I could take feminism in only bit by bit. Maybe there was only so much I could take in because it meant recognizing that I had been taken in. You can feel stupid for not having seen things more clearly before. You have to give up on a version of yourself as well as a version of events...


And maybe we need to remember how hard it is to acknowledge that a world is not accommodating you because of the body you have. I didn’t want feminism to be everywhere, as I didn’t want to encounter these limits; I wanted there to be places to go where I could just leave my body behind.”

We remind them, in our carry of life,Radiant mystery: this body becoming more than one.

in the sometimes tender response to one another stirred within of what at enddissolves of this brilliant transience. Our tenacious connectivity,
gift and curse.
And then comes fear. This life, a borrowing.

So they bargain with their need to possessframe these bodies, as if.As if that could disguise our inevitable parting.

Yet, here we are, as they risk our survival for their dream of controling
beyond grasp.At what cost this recurring shame I feel at your need exposed to have my being be less?



“If all goes well, the baby will make it out alive, and so will you. Nonetheless, you will have touched death along the way. You will have realized that death will do you too, without fail and without mercy. It will do you even if you don’t believe it will do you, and it will do you in its own way… People say women forget about the pain of labor…. But that isn’t quite right – after all, what does it mean for pain to be ‘memorable’? You’re either in pain or you’re not. And it isn’t the pain that one forgets. It’s the touching death part.”


All any of us want isto let go silence treasured belonging,That magic, those words, in tossed sail from you to me

All any of us want is to contribute, to give to this emergent, commons narrative; nurture the root woven deep of meaning & perception complex & fluid.& me to you.

For this we offer our lives livedday by day of relation and its tenacious fabric empathetic.Communion and comfort to be found here.

Our search for bedrock inthose ancestors that solace, this brief solace of being,

of being part of a whole.


Our infinitelytangling untangle complex being with, besides our confusion, the gift.Reflecting back and back again.

So fluid, so possible, and too, there’s solace in our sparking stitch.

Even with uncertainties, this flowing energeticbeyond body between us makes defines a self, and perhaps some other darling not self.Generates meaning.

Go ahead, followas we stitch it that empathetic seam as it unfolds; that hazy unframed, that maybe not mirage caught-up-with.Toe to toe.

In the let of one another in,

we trigger the necessary deep



“All human life on the planet is born of woman. The one unifying, incontrovertible experience shared by all women and men is that months-long period we spent unfolding inside a woman’s body. Because young humans remain dependent upon nurture for a much longer period than other mammals,and because of the division of labor long established in human groups,...


where women not only bear and suckle but are assigned almost total responsibility for children, most of us first know both love and disappointment, power and tenderness, in the person of a woman. We carry the imprint of this experience for life, even into our dying.”


In this spherical netting we,all together multi modal, fast moving and complex, wanderno way back a wilderness of tattered edges loyal to the dead.A life seeks meaning.

Loyal to that past we hold in these bodies.

Our crossing tenaciousradiant forward into this connectivity, these altered meanings.

And still,

hold tight the confirmations. Especially of love.How we grow one another.