Straight Talk Aphorisms for the Weathered Few.

Re: The Sell

The Sell is coding Cyber's gifted ability to amass & track data into a hunter/killer narrative. We wake to find ourselves prey: stalked, demographically framed, our browsing wander auctioned off to push us more stuff faster.

Stirring our ancient & insatiable hunger for glitter.

The hunter/killer narrative endorses a predatory model of relation endlessly repeated since & from our beginnings. Long since broken loose from the give and take of traditional cultures, it now normalizes abusive use & destruction of one another as well as the earth - the original and most generously magic Commons.

In this predatory model, stories are stripped of sustenance, mined & processed to serve as vehicles of delivery for the Sell. The more we consume the less food for thought, the less nourishment of meaning we receive. Our tendencies toward consumptive gathering/hoarding are further enabled, as bits of sugary feeling rush through us.

As if this could keep our end from coming. Transient, tender beingsā€¦

We pull out our phones to place an order. Deeper, more complex thinking atrophies.

Ancient springs, do not run dry!