Straight Talk Aphorisms for the Weathered Few.

Re: Tsunamic Cyber's Tattered Edges

The unsettling shakeup brought by tool Cyber offers opportunities for participation and contribution. Although mostly lost in the rushing to hear/see itself social media voice, of interest is what can be found at the tattered edges of this mass transience.

Here, at the tattered edges is the opportunity for exploration by those of us previously cast/displayed as symbols/spoils of the Voided & Possessed Other in the Heroic narratives.

This is of particular interest to me as I am a woman.

At these tattered edges comes a chance born from the weaving of WeWomen, previously framed as Void and now opening out to find/offer, with the all-of-us- together living through this unsettling Cyber shakeup.

Should we choose to shoulder the task.

And within/upon this new cloth has begun to appear the marking/scribing, the trackings of us – our changing stories brought by our change. Who we are.

All’s a flux.