Straight Talk Aphorisms for the Weathered Few.

Re: Cyber Framing

The Sell uses Cyber framing as a weapon of capture. Just look at the word authentic, so shorn of meaning as to become just another word for all that disappears.

Those herds all gone now. Re-membered only by severed heads mounted on a wall. Here and there.

Here it is good to remind oneself of the distinction between the give and take of permission to speak (by listening, by forming the possible between us, both of which carry synergies) and framing/containing which is packaging for energetic larceny. Two entirely different intentions.

We owe it to the Cyber to lift it beyond its current master - the predatory capital business model of The Sell. This master has no interest/motive in nurturing us beyond keeping us upright enough to purchase.

If we could slide out from under this overvalue of the accumulation and display of wealth (inherited from the HeroStories) we might perceive how the generative sparking of our narrative practices has been put to heavy use whipping up our desires. A framed state. A hijack.

It is always good to remember, this framed state of being learned. This framed state not encoded in us.

We run in circular pursuit of SomeShiny to signify nothing.